Modify settings for the documentation site, including visuals, accessibility, and general configurations.
Enable this switch to display updates from both stable and latest development versions, instead of just stable ones.
Note: This setting requires a page refresh.
Enable this switch to stop seeing the loading screen when loading the website.
Enable to hide the tooltips from the sidebar/menu, when you hover (PC) or click/hold (Mobile) a function.
Note: This setting requires a page refresh.
Enable if you don't want functions, events, and enums to be displayed in folders, if the package allows them.
Note: This setting requires a page refresh.
Enable this switch to activate low saturation mode, desaturating the entire website.
ForgeScript v1.4.0 brings A LOT of new functions, new client options, optimizations and fixes! ForgeScript's and official extensions names has been changed, extensions uses the format @tryforge/ and ForgeScript uses @tryforge/forgescript, use these while installing using NPM.
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Enums are case-sensitive; they must be used exactly as written on the list below, "Playing" is not the same thing as "playing".
Avg. read time of calculating...
Created calculating...
List of featured extensions, ranging from official to unofficial ones, along with their respective information and documentations, if available.
Problems? Questions? Join us on Discord!
You are currently on the ForgeScript documentation. Explore the ForgeScript documentation by clicking here!
ForgeDB introduces an intuitive database solution. It seamlessly integrates with ForgeScript, offering efficient database management functions.
Simplify the use of api and post bot stats automatically, aswell as receiving vote events!
Elevating ForgeScript's capabilities, ForgeCanvas introduces an intuitive canvas solution. It seamlessly integrates with ForgeScript, offering efficient canvas creation management functions.
A rundown of the ForgeScript updates, covering new functions, events, and notes of the latest updates.
Problems? Questions? Join us on Discord!
ForgeScript is made by @akaneruwumi, contributors
This event requires the intent(s) NONE enabled in order to work!
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